Pain Quotes

Latest Pain Quotes


The pain passes, but the beauty remains

The greater part of human pain is unnecessary. It is self-created as long as the unobserved mind runs your life

We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey

I love and care for everyone because I know the pain of being unloved and uncared.

A butterfly always reminds us that there is always beauty at the end of all the pain.

Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.

Life is as precious to us as it is for an animal. An animal is as loving, caring, and kind to her children as we are. She might not be able to tell us but she can express it through her eyes and expressions. She feels joy and happiness. She is helpless in our cruel hands and vulnerable to our vicious greed. Let us be kind to animals. Let us learn to feel their pain. Can we kill a helpless baby to feed our greed? Then how can we kill helpless animal friends that cant talk? Often we kill just for fun. How funny would it be if an animal killed a human just for fun? Let us be kind to animals as much as possible. I know we can. It is easier to love an animal than a human being. If you love an animal, it will rarely hurt you. Let us practice kindness and compassion to animals so that we may create a peaceful world.

Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and hell believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and hell have to touch it to be sure.

If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.

The secret of joy is the mastery of pain.

Embrace your solitude and love it. Endure the pain it causes, and try to sing out with it.

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.