Aristotle Quotes (106+)

Enjoy the best Aristotle Quotes. Quotations by Aristotle (Philosopher, Polymath)
Born: -


Criticism is something you can easily avoid by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit

Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts

The energy of the mind is the essence of life

There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.

First love is an emotion that transcends time and space, an everlasting flame in the heart.


Pain of the mind is worse than pain of the body.

Man is by nature a political animal.

Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality that guarantees the others.

The law is reason free from passion.

Aristocracy is a better kind of government than democracy.

Excellence is not a gift but a skill that takes practice.

Aristotle (384 BCE - 322 BCE) was an ancient Greek philosopher, scientist, and polymath who made significant contributions to a wide range of disciplines, including philosophy, biology, physics, logic, ethics, politics, and more. He is considered one of the greatest thinkers in Western history and played a crucial role in shaping the foundations of Western philosophy.

Born in the city of Stagira in northern Greece, Aristotle was the son of Nicomachus, the court physician to the Macedonian royal family. At the age of seventeen, he joined Plato's Academy in Athens, where he studied under the renowned philosopher for nearly two decades. Although influenced by Plato, Aristotle developed his own philosophical ideas that often diverged from his mentor's teachings.

Aristotle's approach to knowledge was deeply empirical and grounded in observation and analysis of the natural world. He believed that the ultimate goal of philosophy was to understand the principles underlying all things, and he applied his systematic and analytical approach to various subjects. Aristotle's works covered an extensive range of topics, including metaphysics, logic, biology, ethics, politics, and aesthetics.

In his metaphysical treatise "Physics," Aristotle proposed a theory of causality and motion that laid the groundwork for Western physics for centuries. He classified objects and their characteristics in his work "Categories" and developed a system of deductive reasoning known as syllogistic logic in his treatise "Prior Analytics." Aristotle's logical framework heavily influenced the development of Western philosophical and scientific thought.

Aristotle's interest in biology led him to study and document a wide array of living organisms. His works on zoology, such as "History of Animals," provided detailed observations and classifications of various species, and he also delved into topics like embryology, anatomy, and behavior.

Ethics and morality were crucial concerns for Aristotle, who believed that the ultimate purpose of human life was to achieve eudaimonia, often translated as "flourishing" or "well-being." In his influential work "Nicomachean Ethics," he emphasized the importance of virtue and practical wisdom in living a fulfilling life. He also explored the concepts of justice, friendship, and the role of politics in promoting human flourishing in his work "Politics."

Aristotle's impact on Western thought cannot be overstated. His ideas and methods were foundational for numerous fields, and his works remained influential throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Even though many of his specific scientific and philosophical views have been superseded or revised over the centuries, his emphasis on observation, logic, and the pursuit of knowledge continues to inspire scholars to this day. Aristotle's lasting legacy lies in his commitment to understanding the world through rational inquiry and his remarkable ability to synthesize knowledge across diverse disciplines.