Mother Teresa Quotes (78+)

Enjoy the best Mother Teresa Quotes. Quotations by Mother Teresa (Nun, Social Worker, Humanitarian)
Aug 26, 1910 - Sep 05, 1997


Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless

Peace begins with a smile

We can do no great things, only small things with great love

Not all of us can do great things. But we can all do small things with great love.

Dont look for big things, just do small things with great love.

It is easy to love the people far away. It is not always easy to love those close to us.

I do not pray for success, I ask for faithfulness.

Love cannot remain by itself—it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

A life not lived for others is not a life.

There is a light in this world, a healing spirit more powerful than any darkness we may encounter. We sometimes lose sight of this force when there is suffering, too much pain. Then suddenly, the spirit will emerge through the lives of ordinary people who hear a call and answer in extraordinary ways.

Mother Teresa, born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, now the capital of North Macedonia, was a prominent Catholic nun and humanitarian. She dedicated her life to serving the poor, sick, and marginalized, and became widely known as an icon of compassion and selflessness.

Agnes Bojaxhiu came from a devout Catholic family and was deeply influenced by her parents' faith and generosity. At the age of 18, she left home and joined the Sisters of Loreto, an Irish community of nuns with missions in India. After training in Dublin, she arrived in Calcutta (now Kolkata) in 1929 and began teaching at St. Mary's High School for Girls.

However, it was during a train ride in 1946 that Mother Teresa felt a calling within her to serve the poorest of the poor. She experienced a profound spiritual revelation that led her to establish the Missionaries of Charity in 1950. The primary goal of this congregation was to care for those suffering from poverty, disease, and neglect.

Mother Teresa, now known as Sister Teresa, began her work among the slums of Kolkata. She and her fellow sisters provided basic medical care, food, and shelter to the destitute and abandoned. Their mission expanded rapidly, and by the 1970s, they were serving the poor in various countries worldwide.

Throughout her life, Mother Teresa embodied unconditional love and compassion. She tirelessly ministered to the sick, dying, and outcast, regardless of their religious or social background. She believed in the inherent worth and dignity of every human being, advocating for the most vulnerable members of society.

Mother Teresa received numerous honors and awards for her humanitarian work. In 1979, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts to alleviate poverty and suffering. Despite the recognition, she remained humble and dedicated to her mission, constantly reminding others that the real reward lay in the service itself.

Mother Teresa's legacy extends far beyond her lifetime. The Missionaries of Charity, the organization she founded, continues to operate worldwide, providing care and support to the marginalized and vulnerable. Her example of love in action has inspired countless individuals and organizations to serve those in need.

Mother Teresa passed away on September 5, 1997, but her memory lives on as a beacon of hope and compassion. Her life's work and profound impact on the world continue to inspire people from all walks of life to follow in her footsteps, reminding us of the power of selfless love and the difference one person can make in the lives of many.